Nova typis transacta navigatio. : Novi Orbis Indiæ Occidentalis admodum reverendissimorum PP. ... Dn. Buellii Cataloni abbatis montis Serrati, & in vniversam Americam, sive Novum Orbem sacræ sedis Apostolicæ Romanæ â latere legati, vicarij, ac patriarchæ : sociorumq[ue] monarchorum ex Ordine S.P.N. Benedicti ad suprà dicti Novi Mundi barbaras gentes Christi S. Evangelium prædicandi gratia delegatorum sacerdotum dimissi per S.D.D. Papam Alexandrum VI. Anno Christi. 1492. Nunc primum e varijs scriptoribus in vnum collecta, & figuris ornata.
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Nova typis transacta navigatio. : Novi Orbis Indiæ Occidentalis admodum reverendissimorum PP. ... Dn. Buellii Cataloni abbatis montis Serrati, & in vniversam Americam, sive Novum Orbem sacræ sedis Apostolicæ Romanæ â latere legati, vicarij, ac patriarchæ : sociorumq[ue] monarchorum ex Ordine S.P.N. Benedicti ad suprà dicti Novi Mundi barbaras gentes Christi S. Evangelium prædicandi gratia delegatorum sacerdotum dimissi per S.D.D. Papam Alexandrum VI. Anno Christi. 1492. Nunc primum e varijs scriptoribus in vnum collecta, & figuris ornata.
- Publication date
- 1621
- Publisher
- [Linz : s.n.]
- Collection
- jcbgerman; JohnCarterBrownLibrary; americana
- Contributor
- John Carter Brown Library
- Language
- Latin
- Item Size
- 543.9M
Caspar Plautius used the pseud. Honorius Philoponus so that he could dedicate the work to himself
Published in Linz. Cf. Der amerikanischen neuen Welt Beschreibung ... / H.J. Wynkelmann. Oldenburg, 1664, p. 30
In one state the collation is: )(⁴ A-N⁴ [)(4 and N4 blank]. The preliminaries include the title page, dedication (2nd and 3rd leaves). The end matter, "In annotationem bibliopolæ" appears on verso of leaf N3. In another state the collation is )(⁴ 2)(² A-N⁴. The preliminaries include the title page, dedication (2nd and 3rd leaves), "Ad lectorom", (3rd - 4th leaves), plate labelled "Ads finem præfationis ad lectorem", and "Observatio de magnete nautico" (5th and 6th leaves). Verso of leaf N3 has: "In primis"; N4 recto has "Ordinis S.P. Benedicti" and "In annotationem bibliopolæ"; N4 verso has errata statement
Engraved title page
Some copies contain at the end of the volume an extra folded plate of Columbus and crew dated 1622
Specimen of Indian music is given on pages 35-36
Errata statement: leaf N4 verso
JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675
Alden, J.E. European Americana
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has collation: )(⁴ 2)(² A-N⁴
John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has collation: )(⁴ 2)(² A-N⁴. Lacks plate 15, but has the extra plate of Columbus at the end
John Carter Brown Library copy 3 has collation: )(⁴ A-N⁴ ()(4 and N4 blank)
Published in Linz. Cf. Der amerikanischen neuen Welt Beschreibung ... / H.J. Wynkelmann. Oldenburg, 1664, p. 30
In one state the collation is: )(⁴ A-N⁴ [)(4 and N4 blank]. The preliminaries include the title page, dedication (2nd and 3rd leaves). The end matter, "In annotationem bibliopolæ" appears on verso of leaf N3. In another state the collation is )(⁴ 2)(² A-N⁴. The preliminaries include the title page, dedication (2nd and 3rd leaves), "Ad lectorom", (3rd - 4th leaves), plate labelled "Ads finem præfationis ad lectorem", and "Observatio de magnete nautico" (5th and 6th leaves). Verso of leaf N3 has: "In primis"; N4 recto has "Ordinis S.P. Benedicti" and "In annotationem bibliopolæ"; N4 verso has errata statement
Engraved title page
Some copies contain at the end of the volume an extra folded plate of Columbus and crew dated 1622
Specimen of Indian music is given on pages 35-36
Errata statement: leaf N4 verso
JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675
Alden, J.E. European Americana
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has collation: )(⁴ 2)(² A-N⁴
John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has collation: )(⁴ 2)(² A-N⁴. Lacks plate 15, but has the extra plate of Columbus at the end
John Carter Brown Library copy 3 has collation: )(⁴ A-N⁴ ()(4 and N4 blank)
No copyright, table of contents, chapters.
- Accession
- 01836
- Addeddate
- 2015-08-12 18:27:39.943275
- Call
- J621 .P565n
- Camera
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Digital
- 1
- External-identifier
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Full_bib_id
- b22214884
- Identifier
- novatypistransac00phil_0
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t1ng88905
- Invoice
- 81
- Lccn
- 03018052 /-3
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.37
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.21
- Page-progression
- lr
- Page_number_confidence
- 14
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.3
- Pages
- 168
- Physical
- 8
- Ppi
- 350
- References
- JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675, 2:156-157; Alden, J.E. European Americana, 621/100; Sabin 63367
- Republisher_date
- 20150814190554
- Republisher_operator
- Scandate
- 20150813135041
- Scanner
- Scanningcenter
- providence
- Size
- [12], 101, [3] p., [1], 18 leaves of plates : ill., music ; 32 cm. (fol.)
- Full catalog record
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